Reaching Net Zero Emissions by 2040
The Uniting Church believes that God is the Creator of the world in which we live and move and have our being, and that God calls us into a particular relationship with the rest of creation – a relationship of mutuality and interdependence which seeks the reconciliation of all creation with God.
Right now, our planet is experiencing a climate crisis. The Uniting Church calls for urgent action towards a more sustainable planet and support for those most impacted
Discussion Papers

Discussion papers
Net Zero Emissions consultation sheet (February 2023)
Net Zero Emissions consultation sheet (February 2023) The Challenge to the Uniting Church – reaching Net Zero Emissions by 2040 – Discussion Sheet (Issued February 2023) 554.08 KB March 18, 2023 | |
Climate Justice Resources for Congregations (October 2020)
Climate Justice Resources for Congregations (October 2020) 598.38 KB March 18, 2023 |
Useful Links:

Towards Zero produced by Assembly Theologian-in-residence Rev Dr Ji Zhang, is a video series on the topic and the commitments of the Uniting Church of Australia.