Celebrating 170 years of Worship
Join us for a special Church Service to be held at Leighmoor on Sunday 20th October @ 10AM.
Special Guest: Rev Jason Kioa
(former Pastor @ Leighmoor Uniting Church)

170th Anniversary
A brief history
In 1854 a tent was purchased and erected to hold divine services. A day school was established. In 1855, the first weatherboard Church was built on a block of land bought from a Mr Forest near the corner of what is now Wickham and Chapel Roads. This building was known as ‘Salem Chapel’. The first Sunday School opened in 1855 when 68 children were enrolled. In 1863 a committee was formed to investigate building a better and larger Church.The Church opened on January 13th, 1867. The first minister who was appointed in 1856 lived in a weatherboard cottage which later became the Caretaker’s Cottage. It was demolished in 1970.
There was no electricity and the Church was lit by Kerosene lamps and Gloria lights until 1931 when electricity was connected and that year the first tenis court was opened. Over the years buildings were added or altered to accommodate a growing Sunday School. Bishop Hall opened in 1962 named after Arthur Bishop, a very active member of the Church.
The Church began as a Wesleyan Methodist Church. It later became Moorabbin Methodist Church and then became a Uniting Church in 1977. In 1986, a link was established with the East Boundary Rd. Church in East Bentleigh. In 1996 the members of the two Churches elected to become a single congregation known as Leighmoor. Initially they shared a minister and used both buildings for worship but in 2014 the East Boundary Road property was sold and it’s members transferred to Wickham Road.

100 years & beyond
From the Synod’s archive …
Souvenir of Centenary Celebrations - 1954
Centenary celebrations 1954

Leighmoor Uniting Church will celebrate 170 years of worshipping at our current site and serving our community, on the 20th October, 2024.
If you have old photos, documents, memories, or family members that worshipped at this precious Church, we would love to hear from y