xmas canddles

Christmas Hope and Peace

Scripture Reading: Luke 2:1-14

Merry Christmas!

We give thanks for the light of hope, peace, joy, and love. Our hope in Christ shines on. The peace of Christ lights our way. His peace is not weak, it is strong and unafraid. Today we lit the Christ candle as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Even when the darkness is working so hard in the world, Christ’s light is working harder through us. Jesus is the true light of the World.

On this blessed Christmas Day, we gather as a community of believers to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Today, our hearts are drawn to the timeless narrative found in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 2, verses 1-14.

In today’s text, we witness the unfolding of a divine plan—a plan that brings hope and peace to a world in desperate need. The story begins with Mary and Joseph, a humble couple, making their way to Bethlehem. In the midst of their journey and the challenges they faced, God’s plan unfolded. The birth of Jesus reminds us that hope often emerges in unexpected places and circumstances. No matter how severe or urgent our situations may seem, God is at work, bringing forth hope in His perfect timing.

Bethlehem was bustling with people due to the census, and yet, in this crowded town, the Prince of Peace was born. The very presence of Jesus brought peace to a chaotic world. In our lives, amid the noise and busyness, Christ’s birth offers us a profound peace that transcends understanding. His peace is not dependent on external circumstances but is rooted in His everlasting love.

As in some Bible verses, shepherds count the sheep constantly (Jer. 33:12-13), lift the weak on their shoulders (Isa. 40:11), and create pens where the sheep could sleep (John 10:1). In those days, however, shepherding was a lonely occupation, particularly at night, as a shepherd stood his watch, making sure sleeping sheep did not wake up and wander and that predators did not attack and devour the sheep. No one visits them, but God visits and raises them to witness his salvation.

When gazing at God’s glorious angel terrified the shepherds, God tells the shepherds, “Do not be afraid”. Gospel brings joy, not fear. God tells us not to be afraid and gives us His joy. The angelic proclamation to the shepherds emphasizes that the birth of Jesus is good news for all people. The message of hope and peace is not exclusive; it is for everyone, regardless of status or circumstance. Christ’s arrival invites us all into a relationship with Him, promising hope and peace to each seeking heart.

An angelic chorus burst on the scene, confirming the original angel’s message and singing heavenly praise to God. God revealed his glory in brilliance that shepherds could recognize. Angels recognize the worth and weight of God’s presence and praise him for it. God gains glory. People get peace. All this happens because God’s grace and his good will rest on people.

The heavenly host praised God, saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.” This proclamation affirms that Christ’s birth brings glory to God and peace to humanity. As we celebrate Christmas, let us join the angels in giving glory to God and embracing the peace that comes through our Savior.

The shepherds, having witnessed the extraordinary event, returned glorifying and praising God. Their response teaches us that encountering Christ should transform our lives. As recipients of God’s hope and peace, let us live in such a way that our lives become testimonies to the transformative power of Christ’s love.

As we rejoice in the gift of Jesus this Christmas Day, may we carry the message of hope and peace into a world that hungers for the true meaning of this season. Christ has come, bringing hope to the hopeless and peace to the restless. Let us, as the body of Christ, be beacons of hope and instruments of peace in our families, communities, and beyond.

Jesus’ salvation is intended for all people. Jesus’ salvation comes to us through the people’s faith and dedicated lives of the world who choose to serve God in obedience and trust. May we expect to find God at work in places where people would never think to look, even in a manger. God uses devoted people to reveal his heavenly purposes to provide salvation and redemption for his people and for all the world. May we live each day in obedience so God can use us when his time comes. Let us tell everyone we meet the good news that God has shared with us.

May the joy, hope, and peace of Christmas be with you all.

Thanks be to God! Amen.
(Ref. Bible, commentaries, theological books, UCA materials)