The Door Handle 17-04-2020

Good morning Faith Pals,

I have a cup of tea next to me-I am sharing it via the internet with you.  One day…face to face…

I have attached Sunday’s sermon for you.

I have been thinking of doors…lock downs etc.  Kept thinking of this verse from Revelation:

‘Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me.'(Rev 3: 20)

Many of you know of the very moving painting by William Holman Hunt, entitled The Light of the World (1851-1853), which illustrates this verse.  Hunt did not paint a door handle on the outside, the door handle is on the inside (unseen), NOT on the outside…WE have to invite Jesus in.  Hunt had a slightly different interpretation of the door; for Hunt it represented ‘the obstinately shut mind’.  Hunt believed that he was divinely inspired to paint this picture of Christ, saying “I painted the picture with what I thought, unworthy though I was, to be by Divine command, and not simply as a good Subject.”  During 1905-1907, the painting went on a world tour.  It is estimated that 4/5ths of the Australian population viewed this devotional painting.


Blessings to you all,

May Christ be your house guest, your heart guest, today and always,
