Holy Rest 26-03-2020

Hello Faith Pals/Angels/members of the congregation,

Hang in there! 

I have been taking our blind dog Harry, for some of the drives into Epworth hospital for David’s dialysis treatment.  I like to have company for the trip home, and Harry isn’t a ‘back seat’ driver!  (Actually, he sits in the front-not for the view, but because it is a more comfortable seat, and I can pat him when the traffic lights turn red).

He loves the car trip.  The motion, the rhythm sends him off to sleep.  When our son was little, I would often strap him into his car seat and go for a drive-it would always calm him down, and he would usually fall asleep during the trip.

Reminded me of God.  If we rest in God’s arms, we can be at peace, despite all the turmoil that is going on around us.  If we listen…we can perhaps even hear God’s heart beat.  It may be our heart beat, but our hearts are connected to the One who made them!  God is bigger than us, much bigger.  As you reflect on your life’s journey, and the number of times you got through tough situations, with God’s strength, Christ’s hand, and the Spirit’s peace…rest in God’s lap, tell God how you are feeling, and let the Divine soothe your troubled hearts, and brush away your fears and worries, as gently as a loving parent brushes back the hair from a sobbing child.

Here is a prayer which echoes my thoughts.  It is kept in the Bible that is on my bedside table. I do not know who wrote it:

When fear and doubts stroll through our doors:

God stands beside us, whispering of peace.

When we toss and turn late at night:

God sits by our beds, singing lullabies of love.

When we stumble through the shadows of error and sin:

God illuminates the paths of goodness and joy.

Lullabies.  Not only do they soothe, but in some cultures they are a way of passing down traditions or cultural knowledge.  Several of our Christmas carols were written as lullabies for baby Jesus, the best known one being Silent Night.

‘What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.'(John 1: 4-5)


Barbara Allen


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